News — bright lights


How LED Lighting Can Save You A Ton Of Money

How LED Lighting Can Save You A Ton Of MoneyDepending on the size of the factory or warehouse, your energy costs related to lighting can vary. However, regardless of your operational capacity, all industries have one thing in common: lighting expenses.

Facility managers often struggle with saving money. Upgrading to a new lighting system might seem like a huge upfront expense; but it can lead to major savings and increase in positive ROI over time. 

Beat the Business Blues with Cheaper Bills

Lower your electricity billsSeveral factors go into determining how much a business pays for gas and electricity. While electricity bills offer a good breakdown of all factors involved, they seldom offer any guidance on how to reduce costs and related overheads. In order to offer some guidance, here is a list of ways on how to reduce the cost of your electricity bill and keep that extra cash in your pocket.