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LED Floodlight 101


LED Flood Light

Light Emitting Diode, better known as LEDs, have revolutionized the lighting industry. LED lights are now being widely used in commercial, industrial and residential application, for both indoor and outdoor use.

LEDs are now the perfect choice for commercial and industrial outdoor floodlights.

Security and safety  

Floodlights, also known as security lights, offer business owners a more practical option to incorporating bright exterior lighting to their business without having to buy expensive fixtures and numerous bulbs.

By installing floodlights strategically, you can not only illuminate your business sign but, you can also illuminate your store front and doorways to prevent possible intruders from entering.

Suitable for all types of conditions

LED floodlights are not fragile, as they aren’t made of glass or neon gas. Which means that they won’t be affected by harsh environments, like extreme temperatures and weather changes. They are IP65 rated, which means they are dust proof and water resistant. Making LED floodlight perfect for your outdoor use.   

Reduced energy bills

LED floodlights are the most cost efficient exterior security lighting option. They may cost a bit more compared to other floodlights but, the savings on your electricity bill and the fact that they last longer than CFLs and other bulbs, prove that LEDs offer you long term savings.

LEDs consume less energy when compared to fluorescent bulbs and have a longer lifespan, lasting more than 50,000 hours. Which means, if used 4 hours a day, 7 days a week, they can last over 30 years.

Factors to consider when installing an LED floodlight

  • When installing floodlights, you must pick a strategic location, as you don’t want to be shining light onto your neighbor’s property or at drivers in the street.
  • To get optimum results, you must figure out the space size that you want to be illuminated.
  • Different LED floodlights come with different lumen outputs and wattages. Make sure you know how much brightness you want in the area you are illuminating.

HTM Lighting Solutions is a premier manufacture and supplier of LED lighting products for commercial and industrial use.

HTM offers a variety of LED floodlights that use the latest technology with its COD LED chip.  Offering LED flood lights in 20, 30, and 50 watts, with color temperatures ranging from 3000K to 6000K, you can choose the wattage and color that suit your project best.

These floodlights are perfect for illuminating commercial buildings, security lighting, outdoor sign lighting, billboard lighting, public parks, general yard lighting and landscape lighting.

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  • Hugo Merminod