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News — corn light


Looking For LED Corn Lights? Don’t Forget To Consider These Factors

LED corn lights, also called LED Corn Cobs, are widely recognized in the commercial and industrial lighting industry due to their ability to save significant amounts of energy, while enabling customers to keep their current fixtures by simply retrofitting them with a quick ballast bypass. Some common applications to install these commercial bulbs, would be inside parking lot light fixtures, highbay, and post top lamp fixtures among others.

Going For Dimmable LEDs? Check Out These Dos and Don’ts

Dimmable LED lights are growing fast in popularity, however, even with the expansive growth, there is still some space for improvement if users understand how they can optimize it.

LED lights, on their own, have captured the attention of customers worldwide in a way that other alternatives have never been able to do. The exceptional energy savings along with the versatility make LEDs one of the few popular lighting options today.

Benefits Of LED Corn Light Bulbs

What started off as a simple lighting technology almost the size of a thumbnail has now advanced to become one of the most favorable lighting options to exist.

Along with business owners looking for quality lighting options without extra costs, homeowners are also installing LED lights due to the amazing benefits they offer.